Frequently Asked Questions
Is Baines Care Ltd registered?
Yes, Baines Care Limited is registered with companies house 11362682 and is registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC). We work with local authorities and are fully insured. We are fully insured and are GDPR compliant ZA462272.
How do I arrange care with Baines Care Ltd?
Please telephone Baines Care to make an appointment for us to visit you at home, at your convenience, to discuss your care requirements. We will sit down and have an informal chat about your care needs and how Baines Care can help you. Once you have decided to proceed, all you need to do is give us a call and leave the rest to us.
What type of care do you provide?
Baines Care provide local authority care, private care, palliative care and EOL – End of Life care.
How much does it cost?
Every Care Package is tailored to suit each individual and can vary depending on the care requirements. The cost of care will be discussed during a home visit at a date and time that is suitable.
Am I tied to any contracts?
You are welcome to cancel your care at any time without any cancellation payments, all we ask is that we are given 4 weeks notice.
Can you guarantee the same care worker each day?
It will depend on how many care visits you require each week, but our aim will be to ensure you have the same team of care workers. However to enable that continuity is delivered we may have to change your care worker due to holidays, staff training or staff sickness. You will be notified in advance of any such changes to prevent lots of different people coming in and out of your home.
Do you visit me?
Yes, one of our Area Supervisors will visit from time to time as we regularly monitor all our care workers in the form of spot checks. On these visits, it will enable us to have the opportunity to receive your feedback via a questionnaire. All feedback positive or negative is taken seriously and actioned.
What happens if I am not happy with my care worker?
In some circumstances, the connection between yourself and a care worker may not work. This could be something as simple as a personality clash and we try to resolve any issues as quickly as possible. However, please do not hesitate to contact our office should you have any concerns.
What happens if the office is closed?
Our office hours are Monday-Friday 09:00 to 17:00. We provide an out-of-hours emergency service, which is manned from 07:00 to 22:00.
How long will my care worker stay?
This will be discussed with yourself during your home visit, as will depend on the type of care required. Durations can vary from 30 minutes, 45 minutes, 1 hour etc.
How much notice do I need to cancel one of my visits?
We require 24 hrs notice to cancel a regular visit, at no cost.
Can I make changes to my care package?
Yes, here at Baines Care we understand that your care needs may change from time to time. Your care requirements are regularly reviewed and any such changes will be implemented accordingly.
Can you provide respite/holiday care?
Yes, we can provide temporary care upon appointment.